Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 272
Advanced Imaging Techniques in Preoperative Planning for
Brain Tumor Resection: Evaluating the Impact on Surgical
Precision and Neurological Outcomes
Técnicas avanzadas de imágenes en la planificación preoperatoria para la resección de
tumores cerebrales: evaluación del impacto en la precisión quirúrgica y los resultados
Fredy Agustín Gutiérrez Hernández
Hospital Departamental de Villavicencio Meta Colombia
Giovanni Andres Arias Audor
Universidad de Santander
Natalia Quintero Serrano
Universidad Santiago de Cali
Andrés Felipe Gutiérrez Robayo
Investigador Independiente
Juan Sebastián Gracia Guillén
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Natalia Fernanda Torres García
Investigador Independiente
Artículo recibido: 20 julio 2024 - Aceptado para publicación: 26 agosto 2024
Conflictos de intereses: Ninguno que declarar
This study investigates advanced imaging techniques and their impact on surgical precision and
neurological outcomes in preoperative planning for brain tumor resections. Selected studies
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 273
include large human sample sizes, peer-reviewed research, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses
focusing on advanced imaging techniques and their impact on surgical precision and neurological
outcomes. Latest imaging modalities experiments on animal studies are considered. Systematic
review of recent literature on advanced imaging modalitiessuch as MRI, fMRI, PET, and
DTIand their application in preoperative planning. Our findings suggest advanced imaging
techniques, including Functional MRI, Ultra-High Field MRI, Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI),
PET/CT and Deuterium Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (2H MRS) improve surgical precision
and neurological outcomes in brain tumor resections by enhancing tumor targeting, reducing
morbidity, and improving resection accuracy. Future advancements should focus on integrating
and optimizing these technologies to further improve preoperative planning and patient-specific
treatment strategies.
Keywords: advanced imaging, brain tumor resection, surgical precision, neurological
outcomes, preoperative planning
Este estudio investiga técnicas de imagen avanzadas y su impacto en la precisión quirúrgica y los
resultados neurológicos en la planificación preoperatoria para resecciones de tumores cerebrales.
Los estudios seleccionados incluyen muestras humanas de gran tamaño, investigaciones revisadas
por pares, revisiones sistemáticas y metanálisis centrados en técnicas de imagen avanzadas y su
impacto en la precisión quirúrgica y los resultados neurológicos. Se consideran los últimos
experimentos en modalidades de imágenes en estudios con animales. Revisión sistemática de la
literatura reciente sobre modalidades avanzadas de imágenes, como MRI, fMRI, PET y DTI, y su
aplicación en la planificación preoperatoria. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que las técnicas de
imagen avanzadas, que incluyen resonancia magnética funcional, resonancia magnética de campo
ultraalto, imágenes con tensor de difusión (DTI), PET/CT y espectroscopia de resonancia
magnética de deuterio (2H MRS), mejoran la precisión quirúrgica y los resultados neurológicos
en las resecciones de tumores cerebrales al mejorar la localización del tumor. , reduciendo la
morbilidad y mejorando la precisión de la resección. Los avances futuros deberían centrarse en la
integración y optimización de estas tecnologías para mejorar aún más la planificación
preoperatoria y las estrategias de tratamiento específicas del paciente.
Palabras clave: imágenes avanzadas, resección de tumores cerebrales, precisión
quirúrgica, resultados neurológicos, planificación preoperatoria
Todo el contenido de la Revista Científica Internacional Arandu UTIC publicado en este sitio está disponible bajo
licencia Creative Commons Atribution 4.0 International.
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 274
Brain tumors encompass over 100 types, each affecting the brain uniquely, with symptoms
ranging from cognitive impairment to psychological changes. Despite ongoing research, survival
rates for brain cancer have stagnated, impacting about 94,390 Americans annually, with
approximately 1 million currently living with the condition. (Brain Tumor Facts - National Brain
Tumor Society, 2024)
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), recognized as the most lethal form of brain cancer,
typically limits survival to just 1216 months following diagnosis. Although its annual occurrence
is relatively modestaround 3.19 cases per 100,000 in developed regionsits prevalence is
gradually rising in certain areas due to demographic shifts toward aging populations and advances
in detection methods. (Obrador., 2024) Generally diagnosed at an average age of 64, with the
highest occurrence seen between 75 and 84 years, GBM is traditionally identified through
histopathological analysis. However, contemporary diagnostic strategies now incorporate a range
of imaging modalities including Functional MRI, Ultra-High Field MRI, Diffusion Tensor
Imaging (DTI), PET/CT in conjunction with Brain MRI, Deuterium Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy (2H MRS), Intraoperative MRI, and 3D Imaging and Mapping, all of which offer
in-depth tumor profiling and surgical guidance (Thakkar et al., 2014).
Novel modalities of neurological imaging technologies transformed preoperative planning
for brain tumor resections by enhancing the precision and efficacy of surgical interventions. High-
resolution MRI has evolved with advanced sequences and increased spatial resolution and is
offering unparalleled detail of brain anatomy and enabling precise tumor localization and
characterization. Functional MRI (fMRI) is advanced in temporal and spatial resolution which
allow detailed mapping of brain activity and vital functional areas, critical for avoiding damage
to regions responsible for essential functions such as speech and motor control. Diffusion Tensor
Imaging (DTI) improves higher resolution and more accurate tractography algorithms while
providing detailed visualization of white matter pathways and helping to navigate around critical
neural networks to minimize postoperative deficits. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
imaging is when combined with MRI (PET-MRI) which is being used to enhances differentiation
of tumor tissues from normal brain tissue based on metabolic activity aiding in more accurate
tumor delineation and characterization. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) has advanced
with better spectral resolution and more comprehensive metabolite profiling and is assisting in
distinguishing between different tumor types and grades based on their unique metabolic
signatures. Intraoperative MRI systems are now more sophisticated because they are offering real-
time imaging with improved spatial and temporal resolution for immediate adjustments to the
surgical approach based on intraoperative findings. 3D Imaging and Mapping is also integrated
with high-definition modeling and augmented reality and is providing surgeons with detailed,
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 275
interactive views of the brain’s structure and tumor, thus facilitating enhanced surgical navigation
and planning. Novel advancements up to 2024 include the incorporation of AI and ML algorithms
to automate and refine image analysis, improve diagnostic accuracy, and predict surgical
outcomes. All these technological innovations are playing their role in enhancing preoperative
planning by improving tumor localization, preserving neurological functions, and ultimately
optimizing surgical outcomes. (Martucci., 2023) (CE et al., 2023) (Jian., 2022)
In this review, we will be focusing on 1). Functional MRI (fMRI), 2) Intraoperative MRI,
3) High-Resolution MRI, 4) Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), 5) 3D Imaging and Mapping, 6)
Deuterium Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (2H MRS), and 7) Positron Emission Tomography
(PET). Each of these approaches is integral in refining surgical precision and optimizing treatment
Hypotheses or Research Questions
Hypothesis: Advanced imaging techniques improve surgical precision and reduce
postoperative neurological deficits.
Research Questions: 1), How do various imaging modalities contribute to tumor
localization and surgical planning? 2), What is the impact of these techniques on postoperative
neurological outcomes?
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
We prioritize studies with large human sample sizes. We added studies that have followed
rigorous methodologies such as systematic reviews and meta-analyses that adhere to PRISMA
guidelines. Studies that lack clear methodological transparency or employ less stringent methods
were excluded as they may not provide reliable evidence. Studies should report detailed and
clinically significant outcomes such as those that directly impact preoperative planning and
postoperative neurological results. Studies that provide vague or insufficient outcome data, or
focus solely on technical aspects without clear clinical correlations should be avoided, and we did
not added any information from unauthentic sources. Both human and animal models added
studies are added and we intend keeping our review current we prioritize papers published in 2021
to 2024 to discuss and capture novel advancements.
Exclusion Criteria
We excluded reviews with limited applicability to broader clinical settings or those which
studies may have high internal validity but low external validity. All the selected papers must
discuss brain tumours with advanced imaging modalities were included and those focusing more
on treatment were excluded. Those papers with limited statistical analysis or low power, such as
those not reporting key metrics like odds ratios, effect sizes, or confidence intervals were
excluded. Studies that focus heavily on the technological aspects of imaging without correlating
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 276
these to improved patient outcomes e.g., studies that report on imaging resolution without linking
it to clinical benefits were also not considered.
Our primery keywords were: “Advanced imaging” "brain tumor resection," "surgical
precision," "neurological outcomes," and "preoperative planning." We also designed some
secondary keywords to focus more on different advancements of imaging modalities such
as"functional MRI (fMRI)," "high-resolution MRI," "positron emission tomography (PET),"
"diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)" ( Deuterium Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (2H MRS)"
"intraoperative MRI" "magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), and "3D imaging and mapping."
To refine the search and avoid irrelevant studies, the exclusion criteria include terms such as
"traditional imaging," "conventional MRI," and "non-advanced imaging methods," as well as
"animal studies," "in vitro studies," and "non-clinical research." These exclusions ensure that the
focus remains strictly on advanced imaging techniques relevant to human clinical contexts.
The corresponding MeSH string construction for an effective literature search is:
("Advanced Imaging" OR "High-Resolution MRI" OR "Diffusion Tensor Imaging" OR
"Functional MRI" OR "Positron Emission Tomography" OR "Intraoperative MRI" OR "3D
Imaging and Mapping") AND ("Brain Tumor Resection" OR "Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy" OR "Brain Neoplasms" OR "Neurosurgery") AND ("Surgical Precision" OR
"Surgical Outcomes" OR "Surgical Planning") AND ("Neurological Outcomes" OR
"Neurological Function" OR "Postoperative Neurological Deficits") AND ("Preoperative
Planning" OR "Preoperative Care" OR "Surgical Preparation")
This review included diverse range of patient demographics, including various ages, sexes,
and tumor types undergoing diverse range of imaging techniques. We specifically focus on studies
involving adults and children with gliomas, meningiomas, and metastatic tumors but we also
selected some most recent experiments on animals like on mice for getting precision of advanced
technology and its applicability to humans. All the studies are only published on peer-reviewed
journals like PubMed, Cochrane library and Google Scholar. Only high level of papers selected
for example, Systematic reviews and Meta analysis, Randomized Controlled Trials, and other
Cohorts to come with reliable conclusion. Selected studies underwent a process known as Data
Extraction. To extract potential predictors, we applied the standardized extraction forms
highlighting such important information as the type of the imaging technology, patient’s
characteristics, tumour type, and surgical results. The search instruments and bibliographic aids
were used to collect data by following advanced searching techniques to avoid omission of any
material. Information about the application of each imaging modality in preoperative planning
and the effects of these imaging studies on surgical outcomes was the primary area of interest; we
endeavoured to obtain sufficient and pertinent data to perform an analytical review on. Research
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 277
Analysis involved exposing the various forms of studies, for instance, experimental,
observational, and clinical trials. Looking at the design and methodology used in each of the
studies we sought to establish the effect of advanced imaging features on surgical accuracy and
patient’s neurological status. Some of the techniques used in data analysis were categorization
and aggregation of findings, comparison between findings from various imaging techniques.
Shown below is a prisma flow diagram with included studies which depict how further
development of imaging modalities affect preoperative planning and enhancement of surgical
Grafico 1
Identification of new studies via databases and registers
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 278
Table 1
Effectiveness of Imaging Techniques For Brain Tumor
Author 1st
Key Findings
Summary (Odd
Ratio+ ER)
Licia, 2021
review and meta-
Evidence level
assessed via
Ottawa scale and
Moga tool.
modified Rankin,
British Medical
Odds Ratio 0.25, ER
Field MRI
46 (43
human, 3
review of 7T
MRI studies from
included human
and animal
studies; followed
UHF MRI improved
SNR, reduced GBM
volume by 7.4%,
detected more
microbleeds, and
identified significant
fractal dimension
cohort study,
neurologic status
and tumor
volume were
assessed. MRI-
based surgical
plans were
reviewed with
DTI, classifying
tracts as
infiltrated, or
outcomes were
precision in
47% of cases.
fibers were
linked to
compared to
The statistical
summary revealed
that displaced fibers
had an odds ratio for
reduced neurologic
deterioration of 0.49
(7.1% vs. 13.9% in
Yi Feng,
PET/CT and
Brain MRI
aimed to evaluate
efficacy using
PET/CT and
MRI, analyzing
cut-off values
PET/CT and
MRI enhance
precision and
outcomes by
Higher metabolic
(SUVmax HR =
12.94, SUVmean
HR = 11.33,
SULpeak HR = 9.65,
MTV HR = 9.16,
TLG HR = 12.06)
and larger nodules
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 279
and survival
detection and
planning for
brain tumor
(solid HR = 0.12,
sub-solid HR = 0.61)
significantly affect
surgical precision
and outcomes.
Kyo, 2023
(2H MRS)
model, 9
The study used
spectroscopy (2H
MRS) with a
specialized SPin-
ECho sequence
to analyze
changes in brain
glucose to
measure tumor
and necrosis
(2H MRS)
tumor from
aiding in
planning for
brain tumor
The statistics show a
strong correlation
(Pearson’s r = 0.87)
between 2H MRS
ratios and tumor
fraction, explaining
77% variance.
25 patients
analysis of 25
BM resection
with 3-Tesla
iMRI. The
objective was to
evaluate iMRI's
impact on
resection extent,
outcomes, and
iMRI improved
extent of resection
(EOR) from 91.06%
to 95.4%, with 24%
of cases achieving
gross total resection.
Table 2
Impact on Neurological Outcomes
Pre-operative planning
Postoperative Neurological
Functional MRI
Preoperatively, Advanced MRI enhanced
surgical precision, cut complications:
Odds Ratio 0.25, ER 11%.
Improved post-surgical outcome,
higher Karnofsky scores (Hedges g,
0.66; P = .004), and fewer
complications (ER 11%).
Ultra-High Field
MRI Technique
Sensitivity: 85-95%, Specificity: 80-90%,
PPV: 75-85%, NPV: 90-95%, Accuracy:
85-90%, CNR: 10-20 dB; high values
enhance precision in preoperative
planning and decision-making.
Post-operative outcomes were
improved with precision, rare
Diffusion Tensor
Imaging (DTI)
MRI-based plans were revised with DTI in
47% of cases, enhancing surgical
DTI reduced neurologic deterioration
to 7.1% for displaced fibers, versus
13.9% for disrupted fibers.
Positron Emission
PET/CT's precise detection of solid
nodules 8.0 mm (HR = 0.12) and sub-
solid nodules 10.0 mm (HR = 0.61)
enhances surgical accuracy, identify tumor
characteristics, allow individualized
Elevated PET/CT metabolic
parameters (SUVmax HR = 12.94,
SUVmean HR = 11.33, SULpeak HR
= 9.65) indicates higher risk, needs
careful interpretation.
Spectroscopy (2H
Offers precise tumor-to-necrosis ratios,
enhancing planning by accurately defining
tumor boundarie
Predict outcomes by improving
tumor detection and differentiation,
potentially affecting recovery and
treatment effectiveness.
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 280
Intraoperative MRI
iMRI guided extensive tumor resection,
improving precision with real-time
imaging feedback
Improved outcomes, 60% of patients
maintained preoperative neurological
status; 24% improved, while 16%
experienced worsening deficits; no
wound-healing issues.
Luna et al. (2021) meta-analysis evaluated impact of presurgical fMRI on brain tumor
resection outcomes. Methodologically, 68 studies (n = 2756) were analyzed, revealing an overall
event rate (ER) of 11% for unfavorable outcomes post-surgery. The primary outcome, comparing
presurgical fMRI with standard imaging showed that fMRI significantly reduced postsurgical
functional deterioration (odds ratio = 0.25; 95% CI: 0.120.53; P < .001) and improved Karnofsky
performance scores (Hedges g = 0.66; 95% CI: 0.211.11; P = .004). fMRI did not affect the gross
total resection rate (odds ratio = 1.45; 95% CI: 0.494.31; P = .50). Modest technologies like
presurgical fMRI improved surgical outcomes and reduced neurological deficits by enhancing
tumor delineation and functional mapping which leads more precise tumor resection and better
preservation of critical brain functions. Innovations like intraoperative MRI and cortical
stimulation further refine surgical accuracy and minimize postoperative deficits.
Shaffer et al. (2022) focused on advancements in Ultra-High Field MRI (UHF-MRI), with
spatial resolution and enhanced contrast which enabled detailed tumor visualization and
microstructural details. UHF-MRI provides precise mapping of tumor boundaries and infiltration
aiding in more accurate diagnosis helping in surgical planning. Convolutional neural networks
(CNNs) models have attained high accuracy in tumor classification, segmentation and prediction
of patient survival which outperform traditional methods. Radiomics, by extracting high-
dimensional data from medical images stands out for its precision of tumor characterization and
individualized treatment planning demonstrating improved decision-making and patient
outcomes. PET/CT imaging has contributed by providing functional and metabolic insights that
complement anatomical details enabling more accurate tumor localization and assessment of
treatment response. Statistically deep learning algorithms have shown increased accuracy in
predicting outcomes with some studies reporting accuracies above 90%. Radiomics gives
statistically significant correlations between image-derived features and clinical outcome while
PET/CT imaging has improved specificity and sensitivity in tumor detection.
Khan et al. (2019) demonstrated performance of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) which led
to a change in the surgical corridor for 47% of patients. Displaced fibers correlated with lower
neurologic deterioration (7.1%) compared to disrupted/infiltrated fibers (13.9%). Odds ratio for
reduced neurologic issues with displaced fibers was 0.49 which means it provide notable
improvement in outcomes associated with this classification.
Feng et al. (2024) discussed about PET/CT and MRI for preoperative brain tumor planning.
They summarize efficacy in improving surgical precision and outcomes, PET/CT measures tumor
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 281
metabolism using parameters like SUVmax, SUVmean, SULpeak, MTV, and TLG, which are
crucial for evaluating tumor aggressiveness. This research set cut-off values for these metrics,
SUVmax at 1.09, SUVmean at 0.26, SULpeak at 0.31, MTV at 0.55, and TLG at 0.81. These
values were derived through ROC analysis and indicate thresholds where higher metabolic
activity suggests a more aggressive tumor. For survival outcomes, patients with solid nodules ≥
8.0 mm and sub-solid nodules ≥ 10.0 mm who underwent PET/CT plus MRI had longer OS (HR
= 0.44, p < 0.001) compared to those who did not. Conversely those patients with metabolic
parameters above the cut-off values exhibited reduced OS: SUVmax (HR = 12.94, p < 0.001),
SUVmean (HR = 11.33, p < 0.001), SULpeak (HR = 9.65, p < 0.001), MTV (HR = 9.16, p =
0.031), and TLG (HR = 12.06, p < 0.001). PET/CT excels in preoperative brain tumor planning
by offering detailed metabolic insights through parameters like SUVmax (cut-off 1.09) and TLG
(cut-off 0.81) showing tumor aggressiveness and guiding surgical precision. It is dicussed that
contrast-enhanced CT is while effective for anatomical detail but it lacks metabolic information
limiting its ability to differentiate tumor types and predict outcomes. MRI provides superior soft
tissue contrast and functional data but does not measure metabolic activity. Advanced MRI
techniques like fMRI and DTI improve surgical planning by mapping brain function and pathways
complementing PET/CT’s metabolic data for optimal surgical outcomes (Moon et al., 2020;
Kurtipek et al., 2021).
Song et al., 2023 highlights Deuterium Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (2H MRS) for
brain tumors, more precisely while distinguishing them from radiation necrosis. Their research
involved mouse model of mixed radiation necrosis and glioblastoma 2H MRS was used to
measure metabolic activity by monitoring the conversion of deuterated glucose to lactate and
glutamate and their statistical results revealed strong linear correlation (Pearson’s r = 0.87)
between the lactate-to-glutamate ratio and tumor fraction with 77% of the variation in this ratio
attributable to tumor percentage (r² = 0.77). High level of correlation supports technique’s
efficacy in quantifying tumor content within mixed lesions and it is also declared that 2H MRS
offers a promising supplementary tool for both pre-operative planning by accurately defining
tumor boundaries, and postoperative assessment, by evaluating residual tumor and distinguishing
it from necrotic tissue.
Altawalbeh et al., 2024 reseach finings shows intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging
(iMRI) enhance surgical planning and outcomes in brain metastasis (BM) resection. Key findings
show that iMRI improved extent of resection (EOR) which help achieving gross total resection
(GTR) in 84% of patients. Real-time imaging feedback facilitated additional tumor removal in
24% of cases as results declared, raising EOR from 91.06% to 95.4%. Surgical duration averaged
219.9 minutes with iMRI adding 61.7 minutes and postoperative neurological status remain stable
in 60% of patients and improved in 24% with complications such as wound healing absent.
Follow-up MRIs revealed local recurrence in 1 of 13 patients at 3 months and 2 of 8 at 6 months
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 282
with significant in-brain progression noted and all these findings revealed iMRI improves
resection precision and patient outcomes, though further prospective studies are needed to confirm
its impact on survival and optimize its clinical applications. Altawalbeh and his team also
compare intraoperative MRI (iMRI) for brain metastases (BMs) to other methods and they
demonstrates that iMRI offers enhanced precision in tumor resection similar to its established
benefits in glioma surgery. They highlights iMRI's effectiveness in improving extent of resection
(EOR) achieving gross total resection (GTR) in 84% of cases while providing real-time feedback
which is cause of EOR improvement. While in traditional methods, including neuronavigation
alone or other imaging modalities like intraoperative ultrasound have shown less impact on EOR
and may involve limitations in image resolution or accuracy. iMRI extended surgical time but it
must be considered that it did not increase the risk of surgical site infections (SSIs) which is a key
advantage over older methods. Even knowing weakness of the study including a small number of
patients as well as a relatively short follow-up period , it is quite clear that iMRI can help to better
define the approach to surgery for BM resections implying the further relevance of this tool for
BMs as is the case for gliomas and the potential to establish new standards of a truly maximally
safe approach.
Advanced imaging techniques like fMRI and UHF-MRI give surgeons highly detailed
maps of the brain before surgery showing both the tumor and its proximity to critical functions
like speech and motor areas. This enables more precise surgical planning to minimize damage to
healthy tissue.
PET/CT provides metabolic insights that highlight the aggressiveness of tumors. By
understanding both the structural and functional aspects of the tumor, surgeons can make more
informed decisions about the surgical approach and postoperative care.
Tools like intraoperative MRI (iMRI) provide real-time imaging during surgery allow
surgeons to continuously check and adjust their technique so lead to accurate tumor removal.
Real-time feedback reduces the risk of leaving tumor remnants and helps preserve healthy
brain functions. By integrating these imaging technologies, surgeons are better equipped to avoid
critical brain areas, leading to fewer neurological deficits post-surgery. Patients experience faster
recovery and improved long-term functional outcomes.
Combining anatomical imaging with functional and metabolic data helps create a
comprehensive surgical plan. This integration of detailed insights allows for more targeted
interventions, improving both the safety and efficacy of tumor resections.
Recent advancements in imaging modalities for oncology in brain tumor have enhanced
diagnosis capabilities, monitor and treat tumors with greater precision and accuracy. (Sabeghi.,
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 283
2024) Traditional imaging modalities like MRI and CT provide excellent anatomical detail but
mostly, they fall short in distinguishing between healthy and cancerous tissues due to their
reliance on structural rather than metabolic information. And now, the advent of positron emission
tomography (PET) imaging has addressed these limitations. Novel radiotracers has emerged as a
powerful tool in oncology. Radiotracers such as 18F-FDG, [18F] FET and newer protein-based
markers like [18F] PARPi and fibroblast activation protein inhibitor (FAPI) provides details of
metabolic and molecular characteristics of tumors. For instance while 18F-FDG has been a
cornerstone in PET imaging but its effectiveness in brain cancer is limited by the high glucose
uptake in normal brain tissue, which has led to the development of amino acid-based tracers like
[18F]FET which provide better differentiation between malignant and healthy tissues. Protein-
based tracers like [18F] PARPi which target cancer-specific proteins rather than metabolic
activity, are also well known for their even greater specificity making them valuable in identifying
and monitoring tumors with minimal interference from surrounding healthy tissue. All these
modifications have led us to initial diagnosis as well as provide us assistance for response to
treatments such as stereotactic radiosurgery where distinguishing between tumor recurrence and
treatment-induced changes is vital. (Huang., 2024)
PET and PET/MRI in neuro-oncology, offering a complementary approach to traditional
imaging modalities like MRI, while MRI excels in providing high-resolution structural images
with exceptional tissue contrast particularly useful for conditions like epilepsy and tumors yet it
is focused on anatomical detail. PET use along with MRI provides crucial physiological data by
visualizing brain metabolism and functional processes which makes PET more valued in
oncology for differentiating tumor grades, guiding biopsies, assessing treatment response, and
detecting recurrence. (Galldiks., 2024)
MRI and PET integration in the form of PET/MRI capitalizes on strengths of both
modalities as this combination enhances soft tissue contrast and reduces ionizing radiation
exposure which lead overall diagnostic accuracy improvement. PET/MRI is also discussed
pediatric populations and in distinguishing between tumor recurrence and treatment changings
like radiation necrosis. For instance, use of C11-methionine in PET/MRI has shown superior
diagnostic differentiating accurateness between glioma recurrence and post-treatment changings
achieving sensitivity and specificity rates that surpass those of MRI or PET alone. (Jeltmea., 2024)
PET/MRI is vital of primary CNS lymphomas (PCNSLs) and other brain tumors like
meningiomas and brain metastases because they aid in providing multiparametric approach. For
example, [86Ga]-DOTATATE PET/MRI use has proven effective in detecting smaller
meningiomas and distinguishing them from healthy tissue and post-surgical changes. Despite its
advantages, PET/MRI also faces challenges of high costs or limited availability and potential for
false positives in cases of inflammation or infection. Complexity of acquiring and interpreting
PET/MRI data requires specialized training or collaboration between PET and MRI teams.
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 284
Current research support PET/MRI's potential to impact patient care in neuro-oncology for
providing us more inclusive knowledge of both the structural and functional aspects of brain
Research by Ouyang., 2024 discussed FDG-PET, commonly used PET imaging technique
which relies on glucose metabolism to differentiate between malignant and normal cells. Its utility
in brain imaging is constrained by the naturally high glucose uptake in healthy brain tissue which
can blur the delineation of tumor boundaries. Amino acid-based PET tracers have emerged as a
more effective alternative which address this limitation, as they allow for clearer visualization of
tumor margins given that normal brain tissue typically shows minimal amino acid uptake.
Radiomics and deep learning are revolutionizing neuro-oncology as they anable extraction
of subvisual and quantitative data from routine imaging like MRI and PET to create detailed 3D
tumor profiles. Radiomics involves steps such as data acquisition, image preprocessing, tumor
segmentation, and model generation. Radiogenomics connects genetic mutations with imaging
features while deep learning, especially through convolutional neural networks (CNNs), enhances
this process by refining feature selection and modelling for improved diagnostic and prognostic
precision. (Sabeghi., 2024)
These are techniques of neuro-oncology, which altogether have shown great promise in
areas such as diagnosis and treatment response monitoring, prognostication, and the
determination of tumor biomarkers and genomics. For example, radiomics stood successful in
differentiating glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) from solitary metastasis and primary central
nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) with studies demonstrating potential for three-class
classification models to distinguish between GBM, metastasis, and PCNSL. Deep learning
models like CNNs also give high accuracy in these tasks, with recent research demonstrating their
superiority over traditional machine learning approaches in classification tasks. Recent
advancements include the integration of radiomics and deep CNN models that distinguish GBM
from brain metastases by analyzing oxygen metabolism data obtained from MRI. These models
have demonstrated superior accuracy compared to traditional radiologist evaluations and
radiomics features have been leveraged to differentiate low-grade gliomas (LGGs) from the
peritumoral regions (PTR) of GBM which could help limit the amount of healthy tissue exposed
to radiation during therapy. (Bathla., 2024) (Frosina., 2024) (Chukwujindu., 2024)
Radiomics is used to identify primary sources of different types of metastases for
instance,distinguishing between lung and breast cancer metastases, or between lung cancer and
melanoma metastases or brain cancer metastases with high accuracy. Deep learning has been
beneficial in real-time intra-operative diagnosis with enhanced glioma diagnoses accuracy during
surgery. Deep learning, radiomics, and radiogenomics are proving to be powerful tools in
enhancing the prediction of survival tumor grading, and genetic profiling in gliomas. For example,
radiomics features extracted from MRI scans have been utilized to predict overall survival more
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 285
accurately than conventional methods like the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology
(RANO). Radiogenomics models have shown success in identifying key genetic markers,
including IDH mutations, MGMT promoter methylation, and 1p19q codeletion, which are
essential for personalized treatment strategies. (Prajwal., 2024) (Śledzińska., 2024) Despite
encouraging findings from various studies, radiomics and deep learning have yet to achieve
widespread clinical use in neuro-oncology. Current efforts focus on standardizing radiomics
characteristics and investigating their biological foundations which are critical for integrating
these technologies into everyday clinical workflows. Overcoming its barriers will be harnessing
the full potential of radiomics and deep learning to revolutionize patient management by offering
more precise non-invasive diagnostic and prognostic options. (Galldiks., 2024)
Magnetic Resonance (MR) perfusion imaging neuro-oncology enable detailed assessment
of tissue-level blood flow critical for oxygen and nutrient delivery and it is valuable in measuring
cerebral blood volume (CBV) for its role in brain tumor evaluation. Increased CBV correlates
with greater tumor aggressiveness and can assist in glioma grading and biopsy planning, guiding
targeted therapies and tracking timely disease progression. High-grade brain tumors are
associated with increased neovascularization and both CT and MR perfusion methods have shown
that higher CBV and permeability correlate with higher tumor grades. For example, studies
demonstrated, high-grade tumors exhibit higher mean CBV values compared to low-grade
tumors. A relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) threshold of 1.75 has been shown to
differentiate low- and high-grade tumors with a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 57.5%.
MR perfusion can help distinguish between tumor progression and pseudoprogression which was
a challenge in neuro-oncology. Recurrent tumors tend to show elevated rCBV whereas areas of
radiation necrosis typically have reduced rCBV. (Sabeghi et al., 2024)
MR perfusion imaging plays a vital role in differentiating brain tumors, particularly in
distinguishing primary CNS lymphoma from malignant gliomas. CNS lymphomas generally
exhibit low vascularization, resulting in low or moderately elevated intra-tumor cerebral blood
volume (CBV), contrasting with the typically higher CBV seen in gliomas. This differentiation is
crucial since both gliomas and lymphomas can show infiltrative growth that mimics normal brain
tissue. Elevated CBV outside the visible tumor region can indicate the infiltrative zones of
gliomas and lymphomas, aiding in distinguishing them from metastases. MR perfusion imaging
utilizes three main techniques: dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC), dynamic contrast
enhancement (DCE), and arterial spin labelling (ASL). DSC and DCE require contrast agents and
monitor their concentration dynamically over time using T2-weighted and T1-weighted
sequences, respectively. These methods provide insights into blood volume and permeability,
offering critical data on neoangiogenesis and microvascular densitykey factors in evaluating
tumor aggressiveness and therapeutic response. (Sabeghi et al., 2024) (Tan., 2024) (Paschoal.,
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Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) is a non-invasive imaging technique that avoids the use of
contrast agents by utilizing magnetically labeled arterial blood, with water serving as a freely
diffusing tracer to measure cerebral blood flow (CBF). This makes ASL especially advantageous
for patients with renal issues, as it eliminates the risks associated with contrast agents. ASL has
proven effective in monitoring glioma recurrence after radiation therapy, with studies indicating
a strong correlation between DSC and ASL for distinguishing recurrent gliomas from radiation-
induced damage. Despite its promise, MR perfusion imaging faces challenges, particularly with
contrast agent leakage, which can skew relative CBV (rCBV) measurements. Accurate evaluation
requires correction methods to address potential underestimation or overestimation of rCBV
caused by blood-brain barrier disruptions. Ongoing clinical trials and research are focused on
improving these techniques and addressing current limitations in MR perfusion imaging. (Yamin.,
2024) (Moltoni,2024)
Recent advancements in 3D CT combined with AI and other emerging technologies have
already revolutionized medical diagnostics and surgical planning. AI-driven algorithms now
enhance image quality by reducing noise and detecting subtle abnormalities while faster imaging
techniques allow for real-time and high-resolution 3D models. Today’s innovations enable precise
anatomical reconstructions for clinicians while performing complex surgeries like brain tumor
resections. Integration of AI with radiomics from CT scans provides predictive understandings
into tumor characteristics and treatment responses. These advancements have transformed 3D
CT into a powerful tool. Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) is also a groundbreaking
advancement in neuro-oncology and is delivering quantitative evaluations of tissue properties that
enhance tumor characterization and differentiation. MRF employs a distinctive single-sequence
pseudorandomized methodology to swiftly acquire T1 and T2 relaxation times and is facilitating
precise tissue identification and tumor boundary delineation. Its is promising in distinguishing
primary brain tumors from metastatic lesions and in differentiating high-grade gliomas (HGGs)
from low-grade gliomas (LGGs). (Sabeghi et al., 2024) (Ali., 2024) (Kumar., 2024) Magnetic
Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) has rapidly become a key method for accurately characterizing
various tumor regions including solid tumors (STs), peritumoral white matter (PWM),
contralateral white matter (CWM), and perilesional edema. MRF has potentials in distinguishing
solid tumor areas from CWM by analyzing T1 and T2 relaxation times, for instance, MRF is
effective in differentiating glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and low-grade gliomas (LGGs)
where it distinctly separates PWM from CWM. T1 values have been more reliable in
distinguishing these regions in LGGs while T2 values show a trend but often lack statistical
MRF's application extends to the differentiation of IDH-mutant gliomas from IDH-
wildtype gliomas. Studies show IDH-mutant gliomas exhibit higher T1 and T2 relaxation times
within both the solid tumor and the adjacent peritumoral edema regions, expressly within 1 cm of
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 287
the tumor margin. IDH-wildtype tumors are characterized by higher T2 and ADC values in
peritumoral edema regions close to tumor although these differences tend to diminish in edema
regions located more than 1 cm away from the tumor margin. When it comes to distinguishing
high-grade gliomas (HGGs) from low-grade gliomas (LGGs), MRF results varies (Abd-Ellah .,
2024) While some research successfully utilized both T1 and T2 values to differentiate these
tumor grades, other studies primarily observed significant differences in T1 values, with T2 values
approaching but not consistently reaching significance, especially in cases where tumors were
pathologically confirmed. MRF is also valuable for identifying genetic mutations, particularly in
differentiating IDH-mutant gliomas from IDH-wildtype gliomas, with IDH mutants displaying
higher T1 and T2 values. MRF is non-invasive technique in nature and is avoiding radiation
exposure and prolonged procedures, makes it advantageous for pediatric imaging. In children
MRF shows utility by revealing differences in T1 and T2 values between solid tumor and
peritumoral regions compared to CWM, while echoing similar findings in adult populations. MRF
shows great promise for initial tumor characterization and its role in monitoring treatment
response is indeterminate. Current studies have not yet identified changes in T1 or T2 values
between treated and untreated LGG groups and nor in longitudinal assessments pre- and post-
treatment which suggests although MRF is highly effective for initial diagnosis but its ability to
track tumor progression or therapeutic response warrants further exploration. Recent
advancements in the field, such as the integration of MRF with deep learning approaches like the
Deep Reconstruction Network (DRONE) are promising. DRONE enhances MRF by significantly
shortening scan times and providing high-quality, noise-reduced tissue maps, which could
improve the speed and precision of distinguishing metastatic tumors from normal tissue. (Sabeghi
et al., 2024) (Martinez., 2024)
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) is non-invasive metabolic imaging
technique, known for capturing chemical makeup of brain tumors as it works by detecting signals
from hydrogen nuclei. This advanced tool is cutting-edge neuro-oncology for its ability to
differentiate between tumor grades, track treatment responses, and identify specific biomarkers
like 2-hydroxyglutarate which is linked to isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutations in gliomas.
Measurements of metabolites such as N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), choline (Cho), and creatine (Cr),
MRSI provide guidance about metabolic state of brain tissue, for instance, elevated Cho and
decreased NAA levels are common in high-grade tumors which help distinguish aggressive
tumors from less severe ones. MRSI's ability to differentiate between tumor recurrence and
radiation-induced damage post-treatment using metabolite ratios like Cho/NAA makes it
indispensable for ongoing patient management. Pediatric neuro-oncology is also getting MRSI
benefits as it is effectively diagnosing and monitoring conditions like medulloblastoma and
ependymoma with a diagnostic accuracy reaching up to 98% when using combined echo time
techniques. This imaging modality provides prognostic insights such as using the myo-inositol to
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creatine ratio to predict responses to anti-angiogenic therapies in glioblastoma, so it stands out
MRSI for its precision in capturing the biochemical landscape of brain tumors, aiding in accurate
diagnosis, treatment planning, and long-term monitoring in neuro-oncology. (Sabeghi et al., 2024)
Limitations: Limitations include small sample sizes, we discuss studies with animal
models or few patients which may limit generalizability. Some studies lack detailed statistical
analyses or comprehensive outcome measures may be affecting reliability of findings. Variability
in methodological rigor also impacts the robustness of the conclusions.
It is concluded that advanced imaging techniques has enhanced brain tumor management.
Functional MRI (fMRI) and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) have shown substantial benefits in
reducing morbidity and improving surgical precision by accurately mapping brain function and
fiber tracts. Ultra-High Field MRI (UHF MRI) provides superior resolution and tumor
characterization while PET/CT offers critical metabolic insights refine surgical planning and
predict outcomes. Deuterium Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (2H MRS) excels in
differentiating tumor from necrosis, improving treatment decisions. Intraoperative MRI (iMRI)
further enhances resection accuracy and preserves neurological function through real-time
feedback. PET with novel radiotracers, PET/MRI for multiparametric analysis, and AI-enhanced
radiomics and deep learning models have refined tumor characterization and treatment planning.
Emerging techniques like Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) and Spectroscopic Imaging
(MRSI) provides us more detailed metabolic and genetic perceptions distinguishing between
tumor grades and guiding personalized therapies. Continued research aims to fully harness these
technologies transforming neuro-oncology into a more accurate, targeted, and effective field.
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