Vol. 11/ Núm. 1 2024 pág. 329
Evaluation of Physical Infrastructure and Seismic
Vulnerability in the Community of Joa, Jipijapa Canton
Evaluación de Infraestructura Física y Vulnerabilidad Sísmica en la Comunidad de
Joa, Cantón Jipijapa
Diego Sornoza-Parrales
Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí
Ecuador - Jipijapa
Glider Nunilo Parrales Cantos
Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí
Ecuador - Jipijapa
Denny Augusto Cobos Lucio
Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí
Ecuador - Jipijapa
Erik Villavicencio Cedeño
Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí
Ecuador - Jipijapa
Artículo recibido: 20 julio 2024 - Aceptado para publicación: 26 agosto 2024
Conflictos de intereses: Ninguno que declarar
This research focuses on the evaluation of physical infrastructure and seismic vulnerability in the
Joa commune of Canton Jipijapa (Ecuador). The lack of investment in adequate infrastructure can
limit the community's growth and increase its vulnerability to natural disasters. The main
objective is to diagnose the infrastructure and evaluate the seismic vulnerability of homes,
identifying areas for improvement. The methodology combines surveys of residents and rapid
visual assessments of buildings, utilizing the FEMA 154 methodology. The surveys collected
information on housing characteristics and residents' perceptions of structural safety, while the
rapid visual assessment classified homes according to their seismic vulnerability. The results
showed that most homes are built with reinforced concrete or a combination of concrete and
wood. Although most residents perceive little need for rehabilitation, the seismic assessment
revealed that a significant percentage of homes have high vulnerability. The zoning map identified
the areas of greatest risk. The main conclusion is that there is a worrying number of homes with
Vol. 11/ Núm. 1 2024 pág. 330
high vulnerability that require urgent attention. It is recommended to implement reinforcement
and rehabilitation programs, as well as education and awareness campaigns about seismic risk.
Vulnerability zoning provides essential information for risk management and urban planning,
with the aim of reducing the community's vulnerability to future earthquakes
Keywords: seismic resilience, infrastructure assessment, community development, risk
mitigation, disaster preparedness
Esta investigación se centra en la evaluación de la infraestructura física y la vulnerabilidad sísmica
en la comuna de Joa del Cantón Jipijapa (Ecuador). La falta de inversión en infraestructura
adecuada puede limitar el crecimiento de la comunidad y aumentar su vulnerabilidad a los
desastres naturales. El objetivo principal es diagnosticar la infraestructura y evaluar la
vulnerabilidad sísmica de las viviendas, identificando áreas de mejora. La metodología combina
encuestas de residentes y evaluaciones visuales rápidas de edificios, utilizando la metodología
FEMA 154. Las encuestas recopilaron información sobre las características de las viviendas y las
percepciones de los residentes sobre la seguridad estructural, mientras que la evaluación visual
rápida clasificó las viviendas según su vulnerabilidad sísmica. Los resultados mostraron que la
mayoría de las viviendas están construidas con hormigón armado o una combinación de hormigón
y madera. Aunque la mayoría de los residentes perciben poca necesidad de rehabilitación, la
evaluación sísmica reveló que un porcentaje importante de viviendas tienen una alta
vulnerabilidad. El mapa de zonificación identificó las áreas de mayor riesgo. La principal
conclusión es que existe un número preocupante de viviendas con alta vulnerabilidad que
requieren atención urgente. Se recomienda implementar programas de refuerzo y rehabilitación,
así como campañas de educación y concientización sobre el riesgo sísmico. La zonificación de
vulnerabilidad proporciona información esencial para la gestión de riesgos y la planificación
urbana, con el objetivo de reducir la vulnerabilidad de la comunidad ante futuros terremotos.
Palabras clave: resiliencia sísmica, evaluación de infraestructura, desarrollo
comunitario, mitigación de riesgos, preparación para desastres
Todo el contenido de la Revista Científica Internacional Arandu UTIC publicado en este sitio está disponible bajo
licencia Creative Commons Atribution 4.0 International.
Vol. 11/ Núm. 1 2024 pág. 331
Adequate physical infrastructure is a fundamental pillar for the productive development
and quality of life of communities, especially in vulnerable contexts such as Joa, Canton Jipijapa.
Infrastructure not only refers to the construction of buildings and roads, but encompasses a set of
elements that facilitate social interaction, access to basic services, and the promotion of economic
The quality of infrastructure directly influences the health, education, and general well-
being of the inhabitants, which in turn translates into a significant impact on their quality of life.
First, adequate physical infrastructure allows access to essential services such as drinking water,
electricity, and medical care. The lack of these services can lead to unhealthy living conditions,
which affects the health of the population and increases vulnerability to natural disasters, such as
In communities where infrastructure is deficient, there has been an increase in diseases
related to water and the lack of adequate medical care, which negatively impacts the quality of
life of residents (Osorio Rodríguez, 2022). In addition, transportation infrastructure is essential to
facilitate access to markets and job opportunities, which fosters local economic development
(Sánchez De Madariaga, 2018).
Furthermore, physical infrastructure also plays a vital role in social cohesion and
community interaction. Well-designed public spaces, such as parks and squares, promote physical
activity and socialization, which contributes to better mental health and emotional well-being
(Rojas et al., 2022; Sánchez De Madariaga, 2018). Physical activity, in turn, is related to a better
quality of life, as it has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve mental
health (Jiménez-Gómez et al., 2021). In this sense, adequate infrastructure not only supports
physical health but also fosters a sense of community and belonging, which is essential for social
Additionally, educational infrastructure is a critical component for the development of
communities. Well-equipped and accessible schools are essential to ensure that children and
young people receive a quality education, which in turn influences their future opportunities and
the economic development of the community (Osorio Rodríguez, 2022). Education is a
determining factor in the quality of life, as it is closely related to people's ability to access well-
paying jobs and improve their socioeconomic situation (Sánchez De Madariaga, 2018). Therefore,
investing in educational infrastructure is a key strategy to break the cycle of poverty and promote
sustainable development.
Seismic vulnerability is another aspect that highlights the importance of physical
infrastructure (Utama et al., 2023). In earthquake-prone regions, such as Jipijapa, it is necessary
to have buildings that meet safety standards to minimize the risk of collapses and loss of life. The
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lack of resilient infrastructure can lead to disasters that not only affect people's lives but also
destroy the social and economic fabric of the community. Therefore, adequate infrastructure not
only improves the quality of life but also acts as a resilience mechanism against natural disasters.
Finally, adequate physical infrastructure also impacts sustainable development and social
equity. Communities with deficient infrastructure often face greater challenges in terms of access
to services and opportunities, which perpetuates inequality. Investing in infrastructure not only
improves the quality of life of residents but also promotes more equitable and sustainable
development. This is especially relevant in the context of Joa, where improving infrastructure can
be a catalyst for social and economic change (Pionce et al., 2024).
Potential Challenges of Lack of Investment in Infrastructure
The lack of investment in infrastructure in rural settlements like Joa, Canton Jipijapa, can
significantly limit its growth potential and expose its inhabitants to risks, especially in seismic
zones. Physical infrastructure, which includes roads, bridges, drinking water systems, and
buildings, is essential for the economic and social development of any community.
In the case of Joa, the lack of these structures not only hinders access to basic services
but also increases the population's vulnerability to natural disasters, such as earthquakes. First,
deficient infrastructure affects connectivity and access to markets, which limits economic
opportunities for residents. The lack of adequate roads can hinder the transportation of agricultural
products and other goods, which in turn affects the income of local farmers and merchants (Du,
2023). This is particularly critical in rural areas where the economy depends heavily on agriculture
and the sale of local products.
Without adequate infrastructure, transportation costs increase, which can make products
less competitive in the market (Fitriani & Ajayi, 2023; Saheed & Obianuju, 2021). In addition,
the lack of access to basic services such as electricity and drinking water can discourage
investment in local businesses, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and limiting economic
development. On the other hand, the seismic vulnerability of existing structures in Joa is a matter
of great concern. Most buildings in rural settlements are not designed to withstand earthquakes,
making them a significant risk to the safety of inhabitants (Agrawal & Jaiswal, 2022). The lack
of investment in earthquake-resistant infrastructure can result in devastating losses during a
seismic event, including the loss of life and the destruction of property. Studies (Deyuan et al.,
2022) have shown that communities lacking adequate infrastructure are more likely to suffer
severe damage during earthquakes, highlighting the need to implement mitigation measures and
improve structural resilience.
Furthermore, the lack of proper planning and design in infrastructure can exacerbate the
effects of natural disasters. For example, in areas where microzonation studies, which analyze the
seismic vulnerability of different zones, have not been conducted, constructions may be located
on unsuitable land that increases the risk of damage during an earthquake (Rahmania et al., 2023).
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The implementation of a risk-based approach can help identify the most vulnerable areas and
prioritize infrastructure investments (Edward Tuah et al., 2022). However, the absence of these
studies in communities like Joa limits the ability of planners to make informed decisions about
development and infrastructure investment.
With this background, the present study focuses on the diagnosis of physical
infrastructure and the assessment of the seismic vulnerability of homes in Joa, with the aim of
identifying areas for improvement and proposing solutions that promote the productive
development and safety of the community.
To carry out the diagnosis of the physical infrastructure and the assessment of seismic
vulnerability in the community of Joa, a combined methodology was implemented that included
both the collection of primary data through direct surveys of residents and the application of rapid
visual assessments according to the FEMA 154 methodology. This approach allowed for a
detailed understanding of both the current conditions of the homes and their resistance to seismic
The first phase of the methodology consisted of collecting primary data through
structured surveys, which were designed to capture relevant information about the characteristics
of the homes, the living conditions of the residents, and their perception of the structural safety
of their homes. The surveys were conducted directly, which facilitated interaction with the
inhabitants and allowed for clarification of any doubts about the items raised. This method is
widely recognized for its ability to provide quantitative data that reflect the reality of
communities, which is essential for an accurate diagnosis (Carvajal Rivadeneira et al., 2023; Isla-
Díaz et al., 2021). In addition, data collection through surveys allows for the identification of
patterns and trends that can be useful for future planning and decision-making (Jaramillo Sanabria
& Acevedo Osorio, 2019).
In parallel, a rapid visual assessment of the buildings was carried out using the FEMA
154 methodology, which is a standardized approach for assessing the seismic vulnerability of
buildings. This methodology involves a visual inspection of the structures, where aspects such as
the type of materials used, the quality of construction, and the presence of visible damage are
evaluated (Calixto et al., 2023; Raoufy et al., 2023). The application of this methodology allows
for the classification of buildings into different levels of vulnerability, which is key to prioritizing
interventions and resources in areas that require urgent attention (Tampubolon, 2023).
The combination of data obtained through surveys and visual assessments provides a
holistic view of the situation, allowing for the identification of not only the structural conditions
but also the perceptions and concerns of residents about their safety.
Vol. 11/ Núm. 1 2024 pág. 334
The methodology also included training the team of surveyors and assessors in the use of
the FEMA 154 tool, ensuring that the assessments were conducted consistently and accurately.
Staff training is a critical aspect in the implementation of assessment methodologies, as it ensures
that the collected data is reliable and representative (Ruiz Muñoz et al., 2024). In addition,
protocols were established for data verification, which contributed to the validity of the results
The assessment with the FEMA 154 methodology considered aspects such as structural
typology, height, construction irregularities, building code, and soil type, assigning a score to each
parameter to determine the degree of vulnerability of each dwelling (Raoufy et al., 2023).
Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistical methods and spatial analysis
techniques (Carvajal Rivadeneira et al., 2023). The survey results were tabulated, and percentages
were calculated for each variable, while the seismic vulnerability assessment allowed for the
classification of homes into three categories: high, medium, and low vulnerability. The
combination of these results allowed for the identification of the main areas for improvement in
the physical infrastructure and seismic vulnerability of the Joa community.
This section presents the findings on the physical infrastructure and seismic vulnerability
of the Joa community. The data collected through surveys and visual assessments offer
information on the characteristics of the homes, the perceptions of the residents, and the structural
conditions of the buildings in the area. The analysis reveals that while most homes are built with
reinforced concrete or a combination of concrete and wood, a significant percentage exhibits high
seismic vulnerability. The discussion will delve into the implications of these findings,
emphasizing the urgent need for interventions to improve the community's resilience to seismic
events. In addition, the spatial distribution of vulnerability will be explored, highlighting the areas
that require priority attention in terms of risk mitigation and disaster preparedness.
Distribution of Homes by Area
Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of responses to the question
"What is the area of your home?". Different area ranges (in square meters) and how many people
selected each range are presented.
The most frequent category is "Up to 40 m²" with 27.71%, indicating that most of the
surveyed homes have a relatively small area. This is followed in frequency by the categories
"From 41 to 60 m²" (19.28%) and "From 61 to 75 m²" (24.10%), suggesting that a considerable
proportion of homes have a medium area. The larger home categories ("From 76 to 90 m²" and
"From 91 to 120 m²") have similar percentages (14.46% each), indicating that they are less
common in this sample. It is noteworthy that no surveyed home exceeds 120 m².
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The data allows us to conclude that most of the surveyed homes have a small or medium
area, with large homes being relatively scarce and very large homes nonexistent in this sample.
Table 1
Distribution of Homes by Area
Up to 40
27,71 %
From 41 to 60 m
19,28 %
From 61 to 75
24,10 %
From 76 to 90
14,46 %
From 91 to 120 m²
14,46 %
More than 120
0,00 %
Distribution of Homes by Year of Construction
Table 2 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of responses to the question
"What was the year of construction of your home?". Different ranges of home age and how many
people selected each range are shown.
The range with the highest frequency is "From 1971 to 1990, between 49 and 30 years"
with 36.14%, indicating that most of the surveyed homes are between 30 and 49 years old. This
is followed in frequency by the range "From 1991 to 2010, between 29 and 10 years" with 27.71%,
suggesting that a considerable proportion of homes are between 10 and 29 years old. Homes built
"Up to 1970, more than 50 years" (16.87%) and "From 2011 to 2020, less than 9 years" (19.28%)
are less common in this sample, although they still represent a significant portion.
The predominance of homes built between 1971 and 1990 could indicate a period of boom
in home construction at that time, possibly driven by favorable economic or demographic factors.
It may also reflect the durability of constructions from that period. The significant presence of
homes built between 1991 and 2010 suggests continued activity in the construction sector,
although perhaps at a slower pace than in the previous period. This could be related to changes in
housing needs or economic conditions. Finally, the relative scarcity of very old homes could
indicate a renewal of the housing stock, with demolitions or renovations of older homes. On the
other hand, the lower proportion of very new homes could be related to factors such as land
availability or the cost of construction.
Vol. 11/ Núm. 1 2024 pág. 336
Table 2
Distribution of Homes by Year of Construction
Up to 1970, more than 50 years
16,87 %
From 1971 to 1990, between 49 and 30 years
36,14 %
From 1991 to 2010, between 29 and 10 years
27,71 %
From 2011 to 2020, less than 9 years
19,28 %
Distribution of Homes by Construction Material Type
Table 3 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the types of materials used in
the construction of the surveyed homes. Different material categories and how many homes
correspond to each are presented.
The most frequent categories are "Reinforced concrete" (48.19%) and "Mixed
concrete/wood" (44.58%), indicating that the vast majority of the surveyed homes are built
primarily with reinforced concrete, either alone or in combination with wood. The categories
"Wood", "Cane", and "Mixed wood/cane" have very low percentages (2.41% each), suggesting
that these materials are used in a very small proportion of the surveyed homes.
The data shows that reinforced concrete is the predominant material in home construction
in the surveyed area, followed by the combination of concrete and wood. The use of wood or cane
as the main material or even in combination is very infrequent. The predominance of reinforced
concrete could be related to its greater availability, lower cost, or perception of greater durability
compared to other materials.
Local building regulations could favor the use of reinforced concrete for safety or seismic
resistance reasons. The use of certain materials could also be influenced by cultural or traditional
factors. It is important to note that this distribution may not be representative of the entire
population of homes in the area, as it is based on a sample. However, it provides valuable
information about the most common construction practices in the surveyed area.
Table 3.
Distribution of Homes by Construction Material Type
Reinforced concrete
48,19 %
2,41 %
2,41 %
Mixed concrete/wood
44,58 %
Mixed wood/ cane
2,41 %
Vol. 11/ Núm. 1 2024 pág. 337
Perception of the Need for Housing Rehabilitation
Table 4 shows the distribution of frequencies and percentages of the responses to the
question "Rate your degree of need to rehabilitate the dwelling". Different levels of need for
rehabilitation are presented and how many people selected each level.
The most frequent category is "Little need" with 46.99%, which indicates that almost half of
the respondents consider that their home needs little or no rehabilitation. The category "Some need"
follows in frequency with 25.30%, which suggests that a quarter of the homes have a moderate degree
of need for rehabilitation. The options "Quite a lot of need" (16.87%) and "A lot of need" (10.84%)
have lower percentages, indicating that, although there is a group that perceives a significant need
for rehabilitation in their homes, this group is a minority compared to those who perceive little or
some need.
Although the majority of residents perceive little need for rehabilitation, it is important to
promote the importance of preventive maintenance to avoid future problems and ensure the safety
and habitability of homes in the long term.
Table 4
Perception of the Need for Housing Rehabilitation
A lot of need
10,84 %
Quite a lot of need
16,87 %
Some need
25,30 %
Little need
46,99 %
Rapid Visual Assessment of Buildings Seismic Vulnerability using FEMA-154
Typology of the Structural System
Table 5 presents the distribution of frequencies and percentages of the different types of
structural systems observed in buildings, in the context of a seismic vulnerability assessment
using the FEMA-154 methodology. Several structural typologies are listed and it is indicated how
many buildings correspond to each type.
The most frequent category is "Reinforced concrete frame (C1)" with 50.60%, which
indicates that this is the most common structural system in the evaluated buildings. The category
"Mixed steel-concrete or mixed concrete-wood (MX)" follows in frequency with 30.12%, which
suggests that a considerable proportion of buildings combine different structural materials, mainly
concrete and steel or concrete and wood. The other categories, including wood, masonry (with or
without reinforcement), steel frames and prefabricated systems, have very low or zero
percentages, which indicates that they are uncommon in the evaluated buildings.
Unreinforced masonry (URM) and wood structures, although present in a small
percentage, are generally considered more vulnerable to earthquakes. Their presence, although a
Vol. 11/ Núm. 1 2024 pág. 338
minority, could indicate a potential seismic risk for those specific buildings. The seismic behavior
of reinforced concrete frames can vary significantly depending on their design and construction
details. It is important to evaluate these aspects in detail to determine their actual seismic
vulnerability. It is important to recognize that rapid visual assessment (FEMA 154) provides a
first approximation of seismic vulnerability. However, to obtain a more accurate and reliable
assessment, more detailed studies would be required that consider aspects such as the quality of
the materials, the structural design, the age of the building and the soil conditions.
Table 5
Typology of the Structural System
Wood (W1)
4,82 %
Unreinforced masonry (URM)
4,82 %
Reinforced masonry (RM)
0,00 %
Mixed steel-concrete or mixed
concrete-wood (MX)
30,12 %
Reinforced concrete frame (C1)
50,60 %
Reinforced concrete H-shaped frame with
unreinforced confined masonry (C3)
Building height
Table 6 shows the distribution of frequencies and percentages of the heights of the
observed buildings. They are classified into three categories: Low (less than 4 floors), Medium
(4 to 7 floors) and Large (more than 7 floors). All the observed buildings (100%) are classified as
low, that is, they have less than 4 floors. No medium-height (4 to 7 floors) or large (more than 7
floors) buildings were recorded in the sample.
The results suggest a predominantly horizontal construction pattern in the studied area,
which may be related to factors such as population density, soil type, urban regulations or local
construction traditions.
In general, low-rise buildings tend to be less vulnerable to earthquakes than high-rise
buildings, due to their lower mass and height. However, this does not mean that they are
completely safe, since their vulnerability also depends on other factors such as the type of
structure, the construction materials and the quality of the construction.
This data may be relevant for urban planning and the future development of the area. For
example, if an increase in population or greater urban density is expected, it may be necessary to
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consider the construction of taller buildings in the future, which would require proper planning
and the implementation of earthquake-resistant construction regulations.
Table 6
Building height distribution
Low (less than 4 floors)
Medium (4 to 7 floors)
0,00 %
Large (more than 7 floors)
0,00 %
Seismic Vulnerability Assesment
Table 7 presents the results of the seismic vulnerability assessment of 83 homes,
classifying them into three categories according to their degree of vulnerability: High: Requires
special evaluation (Seismic vulnerability index "S" less than 2); Medium: (2 ≤ S < 2.5); and Low:
(S 2.5). The frequency (number of dwellings) and the percentage corresponding to each
category are provided.
Most of the houses evaluated (53.01%) have a low degree of seismic vulnerability, which
indicates that they have a greater capacity to withstand earthquakes without suffering significant
damage. A considerable percentage of homes (34.94%) are classified as highly vulnerable,
suggesting that these buildings are at high risk of serious damage or collapse in the event of an
earthquake. This represents a major concern in terms of safety and requires priority attention. A
smaller percentage of homes (12.05%) have a medium degree of vulnerability, which indicates
an intermediate risk of damage in the event of an earthquake.
The results highlight the need to prioritize reinforcement or rehabilitation interventions
in homes with high vulnerability, with the aim of reducing the risk of damage and protecting the
lives of their occupants. Information on the distribution of seismic vulnerability can be used for
emergency planning and seismic risk management in the area, allowing the identification of the
most vulnerable areas and the preparation of appropriate response plans.
Table 7
Seismic Vulnerability Assesment
High: Requires special evaluation (S<2)
34,94 %
Medium (2<S<2.5)
12,05 %
Low (S>2.5)
53,01 %
Seismic vulnerability zoning
Figure 1 shows a map of the Joa community in Jipijapa, Manabí, Ecuador, where the
homes have been zoned according to their seismic vulnerability. Homes are represented by
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colored dots: Red: Homes with high seismic vulnerability; Yellow: Homes with medium
vulnerability; and Green: Homes with low seismic vulnerability.
Figure 1.
Seismic vulnerability zoning
A concentration of homes with high vulnerability (red dots) is observed in the central and
southern part of the community. Homes with low vulnerability (green dots) are found mainly on
the periphery and scattered in other areas. Homes with medium vulnerability (yellow dots) appear
to be more evenly distributed throughout the community, although in smaller numbers.
Considering the previous analyzes, it is likely that the concentration of homes with high
vulnerability in the center and south of Joa is due to the presence of older buildings, built with
techniques and materials that are less resistant to earthquakes. The houses on the periphery,
possibly of more recent construction and with better construction practices, could explain the
greater presence of green dots in that area. The dispersed distribution of homes with medium
vulnerability could indicate a combination of factors, such as the age of the buildings, the quality
of the materials and the type of structural system used.
The map allows clearly identifying the areas of Joa with the highest concentration of
vulnerable homes, which facilitates the prioritization of reinforcement or rehabilitation
interventions. Information on the distribution of seismic vulnerability is essential for urban
planning and the future development of the community, promoting the construction of new homes
in lower risk areas and establishing stricter construction regulations. The map is a key tool for
emergency planning and seismic risk management, allowing the identification of the areas where
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the greatest impact is expected in the event of an earthquake and facilitating the organization of
evacuations and the distribution of aid resources.
The results of the evaluation reveal a worrying situation regarding the seismic
vulnerability of homes in the study area. Although most of them present a low risk, a significant
percentage of homes require urgent attention to improve their seismic resistance and guarantee
the safety of their inhabitants. It is essential to take measures to address this problem and reduce
the risk of disasters in the event of an earthquake.
It is essential to promote awareness of seismic risk and the importance of building and
maintaining earthquake-resistant homes. This may include educational programs, dissemination
of information and promotion of good construction practices.
The zoning of seismic vulnerability in Joa provides a clear vision of the distribution of
seismic risk in the community. This information is essential for making informed decisions
regarding risk management, urban planning and the development of mitigation strategies that
allow reducing the vulnerability of the population and their homes to future earthquakes.
It is recommended to carry out more detailed seismic evaluations in the homes identified
with high and medium vulnerability to determine the specific reinforcement measures required
This work is a partial result from the research project entitled: Diagnóstico de
infraestructura física para fomentar el desarrollo productivo del sitio Joa del cantón
Jipijapa”, financed by Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí.
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