Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 496
The influence of the CommonLit platform on the development of
reading skills as an academic reinforcement for A2 students
La influencia de la plataforma CommonLit en el desarrollo de las habilidades lectoras como
refuerzo académico para los alumnos A2
Elsy Buñay Illapa
Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador
Durán Ecuador
Mónica Elizabeth Bajaña Rosales
Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador
Durán Ecuador
Johnny Segundo Campoverde López
Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador
Durán Ecuador
Josué Bonilla Tenesaca
Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador
Durán Ecuador
Artículo recibido: 20 julio 2024 - Aceptado para publicación: 26 agosto 2024
Conflictos de intereses: Ninguno que declarar
Ecuador, a country of privileges due to its geographical location, has varied socio-ideological and
cultural influences that significantly impact the learning and acquisition of a foreign language. Few
students are aware of the importance of English. However, many do not feel a real interest in or the need
to use the language in their daily activities in a society where they only try to cover a momentary
requirement. The complexity of mastering a new language like English is even worse because learners
have to face environmental, and emotional difficulties, as reflected in the quantitative study carried out,
which suggests energizing their learning acquisition using the qualitative method that promotes their
voluntary interest in reading comprehension, as stated by a survey and class observation carried out in
the First “A” of Accountancy at the Isabel de Godin Educative Unit in Riobamba. Therefore, the
implementation of the CommonLit platform will determine academic progress and reading proficiency
as the main tool to improve their reading skills by addressing challenges according to different levels of
English proficiency. In this sense, with the platform's interactive activities, adaptive learning tools, and
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 497
variety of interesting information, participants' reading abilities significantly improve, according to the
findings. Therefore, the CommonLit platform is a useful tool for students who intend to achieve A2 in
their reading development since it enhances the academic level and cultivates an enduring enjoyment
for reading.
Keywords: commonlit platform, level a2, reading skills
Ecuador, un país privilegiado por su ubicación geográfica, tiene variadas influencias socio ideológicas
y culturales que impactan significativamente en el aprendizaje y adquisición de una lengua extranjera.
Pocos estudiantes son conscientes de la importancia del inglés. Sin embargo, muchos no sienten un
interés real o la necesidad de utilizar el idioma en sus actividades diarias en una sociedad donde sólo se
intenta cubrir un requerimiento momentáneo. De hecho, la complejidad de dominar un nuevo idioma
como el inglés es aún más complejo porque los estudiantes deben enfrentar dificultades ambientales y
emocionales, como lo refleja el estudio cuantitativo realizado, que sugiere fortalecer su adquisición
mediante un método cualitativo que promueva su interés voluntario. en comprensión lectora, así lo
afirma la encuesta y observación de clases realizada en el Primero “A” de Contabilidad de la Unidad
Educativa Isabel de Godín de Riobamba. Por lo tanto, la implementación de la plataforma CommonLit
determinará el progreso académico y el dominio lector como principal herramienta para mejorar sus
habilidades lectoras abordando desafíos según los diferentes niveles de dominio del inglés. En este
sentido, las actividades interactivas de la plataforma, las herramientas de aprendizaje adaptativa y la
variedad de información interesante mejoran significativamente las habilidades de lectura de los
estudiantes, según la investigación. Por lo tanto, La Plataforma CommonLit es una herramienta útil para
los estudiantes que desean alcanzar A2 en su desempeño lector, ya que mejora su nivel académico y
cultiva el placer duradero por la lectura.
Keywords: plataforma commonlit, nivel a2, habilidades lectoras
Todo el contenido de la Revista Científica Internacional Arandu UTIC publicado en este sitio está disponible bajo licencia
Creative Commons Atribution 4.0 International.
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 498
The academic learning of the English language requires a process of social inclusion in a
globalized world that incorporates dynamic communication through motivated behavior and
involvement in technological advances as a contribution to education. Therefore, it is timely to address
an innovative and novel research topic: The influence of the CommonLit Platform on developing reading
skills as an academic reinforcement for A2 students.
The purpose of this research is to determine academic progress and reading proficiency as the
main tool to improve the students' reading skills by studying the theoretical support of the problem and
object of the research, verifying the actual state of the Isabel de Godin Educative Unit, implementing
the CommonLit Platform on the development of reading skills and validating or evaluating the scientific
This research explores three relevant theories that shape language learning: Krashen's
input hypothesis, which puts pressure on students to learn material that is just a little bit beyond
their current comprehension level. The CommonLit Platform accommodates this theory as it offers
different levels of difficulty, teachers can choose challenging texts for their students, consequently, new
knowledge is solidified using additional resources such as comprehension questions and vocabulary
Vygotsky's sociocultural theory highlights the social interactions and help structures available in
the Zone of Proximal Development. Students learn from the advice of more experienced peers or
professors when working within their ZPD. Through the discussion of various viewpoints, clarification
of concepts, and joint meaning-building, this collaborative approach allows students to acquire a greater
understanding of the material. Because they are supported by the collective knowledge and abilities of
their classmates, they can also attain a higher degree of understanding and analytical thinking than they
might on their own.
Hymes' theory of communicative competence emphasizes appropriate language use in various
social circumstances. Each theory offers valuable insights into language acquisition, but their limitations
demand a more integrated and nuanced approach to language education. The CommonLit Platform
offers texts not only on Linguistic understanding but also texts that invite students to reflect on values,
culture, and diverse social situations about their own social and cultural context.
Indeed, one English skill is reading, which is the key to the personal and intellectual development
of the human being because it is a fundamental ability for communication, the acquisition of knowledge,
the development of imagination, and creativity.
By incorporating this hypothesis, CommonLit into their academic practice, A2 students will see
significant improvements in their reading comprehension, vocabulary development, and general literacy
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 499
Previous literature in this field has laid a solid foundation for the current study, with research at
international, national, and local levels that has explored various aspects related to the topic in question,
including the effectiveness of the use CommonLit platform to develop teaching-learning process of
reading skills in a better way.
(Masuhara, 2013) distinguishes conventional reading education as a method that stresses
understanding through the post-reading questions which carry on the deficit in reading skills at a general
level in both the mother tongue and a second language is highly worrying (Qarqez, 2017), as is shown
in our school, where no one handles an important tool such as the CommonLit platform that allows
students to develop their reading skills in a better nor teachers improve their reading comprehension and
ICT skills since the lack of training and experience makes them uncomfortable with the technology,
(Noordan, 2022), Therefore, learners have difficulty in acquiring the fundamentals of reading, such as
a lack of exposure to a variety of texts, a lack of differentiated instruction and guided instruction, a lack
of opportunities for feedback and evaluation, and a lack of engagement opportunities.
In this sense, the following concerns should be addressed: How does it influence the development
of reading skills? What are its didactic and methodological contributions? What are the reading skills
that must be developed to improve reading?
Clearly, (Oroujlou, 2012) his article The Importance of Media in Foreign Language Learning,
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) refers to a wide range of information management,
transmission, and exchange technologies. By giving students access to real-world communication
possibilities with native speakers, interactive learning environments, and authentic language resources
with the help of the technological tool CommonLit. These technologies are essential to the teaching of
foreign languages. Students can participate in flexible and immersive learning experiences that improve
their language competence and acquisition by integrating ICT.
(Norman, 2023) states effective global literacy interventions are essential for improving these
educational outcomes. In this sense, a virtual learning environment or online learning space and a
collection of computer tools facilitate interactive teaching methods so that students can perform
activities that are inherent to the student’s interest scope, like speaking, reading, writing, and completing
exercises, as well as questionnaires for themselves their partners or groups. (Dung, 2020), that is why,
accessible from anywhere and, currently, also from any device.
Thus, (Maffea, 2020) states to the absence of appropriate resources, students may find limitations
in their ability to comprehend concepts, practice skills, and apply what they have learned as well as
(Suárez, 2015) refers to CommonLit as an appropriate strategy for a comprehensive reading that allows
students to predict the text, formulate propositions, analyze the concepts expressed explicitly or
implicitly in the text, and expand their ability to think to satisfy the university's objective of improving
learning competency, this plan incorporates sociocultural components and the Common European
Framework of References for Language (CEFR) into the language (Novawan, 2023).
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 500
In addition, these scientific contributions were crucial to carry out a comprehensive analysis and
validating the independent and dependent variables, along with their respective dimensions and
indicators. The most relevant studies in this area are presented below.
According to (Özdemi, 2017) his article emphasizes the variables that were used in research like
the independent variable that is selected by the dependent variable and is supposed to provide insight
into a problem's solution. For this reason, the CommonLit Platform is the variable that scientists test or
examine to evaluate the impact of changes made to the dependent variable, the teaching and learning
process of reading skills. It stands for the outcome, response, or effect that is being investigated in this
In that respect, (Perdomo, 2022), examines the impact and effectiveness of CommonLit as a
digital educational tool, particularly in the context of the shift towards online learning during the
COVID-19 pandemic, highlights the effectiveness of the platform in improving the skills of reading
comprehension besides its recognition and use by a wide range of educators, librarians, students, and
parents. Positive feedback on how it impacts students' learning has been received. Its adaptability to
remote learning environments, together with its ability to offer captivating resources and easy
transitions, has made it a crucial tool in keeping education going during the pandemic.
Meanwhile, (Osorio, 2021), refers to the teaching-learning process as a modeled process that
guides the development of the learning procedure and is constantly evolving based on the student's
intellectual maturity. and the individual requirements of individuals participating, both objective and
subjective, with the teachers and students acting as the process's primary protagonists. The teaching-
learning process adapts to students' needs as they proceed to make sure that what they learn is successful,
tailored to them, and effective in promoting both their intellectual and personal development.
Furthermore (Spante, 2018) focuses on digital competence, which refers to people's capacity to
use digital tools, resources, and technologies ethically and effectively to access, manage, assess,
integrate, create, communicate, and share information in a variety of contexts. It includes all the abilities,
actions, attitudes, and knowledge required to succeed in the digital age. While (Zhu, 2022) refers to
enhancing the learning process with various tools and features such as interactive word practice,
multimedia components, and glossary pop-ups. These resources help students acquire crucial reading
skills, fluency, and comprehension while also keeping them engaged.
As stated by (Park, 2012) reader response helps students find the pleasures of reading while also
helping them to read these texts critically and decipher them more effectively. Using a text to understand
and question the self, others, and the world means that when students interact with texts from their point
of view, they not only enjoy reading because they can relate to the content on a personal level but they
also gain critical reading abilities (Zin, 2022)
Meanwhile, (Faucett, 2021) mentions Michelle Brown, the founder who highlights the
effectiveness of the CommonLit educational platform. It is recommended by the Ministry of Education,
it is a nonprofit organization offering a free reading comprehension platform for teachers, students, and
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 501
parents. It aims to influence the Commonlit platform on the development of reading skills as an
academic reinforcement for students. In this context, learners are required to integrate the
communicative skills of the English language with those of reading comprehension and the necessary
ICT. She used an approach that allows her to customize training to each student's needs using online
reading functions, texts of excellent quality that are in line with guidelines, and data analyses. With a
combination of conventional
and electronic tools, this method ensures a comprehensive approach to learning where students
not only become more proficient readers but also more proficient language users overall.
Teaching the learning process of reading skills involves a range of methods and ideas proposed
by many writers. According to (Collins & Smith, 1980) many school reading courses do not aim to teach
the kinds of prediction skills and comprehension monitoring that we have covered. Instead, the curricula
emphasize the reader's ultimate interpretations, including the author's objectives, important ideas, and
the significance of individual words and sentences. This specific focus results from attempting to teach
reading as a process (i.e., the development of an interpretation) as opposed to reading as a product (i.e.,
the interpretation) (Lyon, 1998)
In addition, (Lemov, 2016)states that focusing on precise and perceptive reading is essential for
effectiveness so that it can be taught and acquired. Teachers must promptly detect the needs and
difficulties that students have in reading, give them confidence, and motivate them through decoding,
analysis, interpretation, and classification of information. Thus, reading becomes an effective and
meaningful process (Gedik, 2022)
(Tomlinson, 2023) in his book Developing Materials for Language Teaching refers to
Masuhara reviewed six international coursebooks for adult learners released in 2012 and
discovered that comprehension questions continue to be a common part of most published materials.
These include gap-filling, matching activities, and test selection, all of which foster critical thinking and
conversations. Furthermore, this will be even more valuable if we employ our recommended interactive
apps. Reading comprehension focuses on the interactive model of reading comprehension, which is a
top-down process that interacts with bottom-up processes such as word recognition. This point of view
emphasizes the significance of previous reading experience along with word recognition skills in
influencing comprehension. (Holmes, 2009).
According to current demands, strategies are crucial tools and techniques that teachers and
students should use to support comprehension, problem-solving, and skill development. (Afflerbach,
1990), states the metacognitive methods of proficient readers, which track comprehension while the
material is read, heavily rely on prediction. By helping readers to make connections between the text
and what they already know, prediction stimulates active
engagement with the material. Similarly, readers keep track of how well they always comprehend
the material. As readers evaluate the text, formulate theories, and update their predictions considering
new information, they develop critical thinking abilities. (Shihab, 2011) asserts that prior experience is
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 502
crucial to reading comprehension because it allows us to make predictions, compare, determine, and
analyze. This is necessary for meaningful and productive critical thinking.
This study applies a non-experimental design because it focuses on observing and measuring
variables without intervention. It employs the qualitative and quantitative approach which enables the
tabulation of results and the creation of a database based on the analysis and data collection. This
approach proves essential in addressing the problem formulation and verifying the stated goals and
The CommonLit Platform was employed as an independent variable with (ICT), analytical
thinking abilities, academic performance, and task outcome, and the teaching and learning process for
reading skills was used as a dependent variable in this descriptive correlational study with Instruction,
Methodology, and Reading comprehension as their dimensions respectively.
Even more, the study of these variables regarding the impact of the Commonlit Platform on
improving A2 student´s reading skills.(Creswell, 2007) refers to using non-numerical data such as
words, pictures, or observations. By using techniques such as class observations, surveys and text
analysis, it focuses on investigating meanings, experiences, and viewpoints.
(Ramos, 2010), states students' perceptions of the CommonLit platform's effectiveness in
helping them improve their ability to read. They examined topics such as its usefulness and confidence
instill. By analyzing this, they discovered how students' perceptions of the platform can differ and how
it impacts their learning.
The methodology of the work, due to the dynamism of the variables involved in the study focused
on an active and innovative learning process, uses theoretical-practical and metacognitive methods that
help analyze other variables in learning such as school performance, technical of study, language,
personality, motivation, self-concept, sociability and communication habits (Vega Caro y Vico Bosch,
2022, p. 365); part of the scientific method to shape its structure based on qualitative -quantitative
methods that provided
analytical and numerical information on the problem posed, thus justifying the sequence in the
monitoring of the process and guaranteeing the dissemination of the work and its results through the
contextualization of the topic.
To evaluate the efficacy and effects of this research, some methodologies have been used to
collect information on user experiences and assess learning objectives, these strategies make use of
quantitative techniques like surveys to students and teachers. Qualitative approaches, such as in-class
observations, offer comprehensive perspectives on participant experiences and practical
applications. Consequently, mixed approaches integrate both qualitative and quantitative data to provide
thorough insight. Studies like control-group comparisons evaluate the platform's efficacy over time.
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 503
Additionally, a systemic and functional approach is used to understand how the CommonLit
platform functions within the educational system and how each component students, teachers, and
technology- interact to contribute to the overall goal of improving reading skills. Furthermore, a
descriptive method a survey, and an observation class were applied in this research.
Moreover, the study was carried out in the academic year 2023-2024
Scheme of the design of the variables
S = sampling
IV = Independent Variable: The CommonLit Platform
DV= Dependent Variable: The teaching-learning process in reading skills
R = Relation
Population, sample, and sampling
The data collection applied was in the First A Accountancy with 24 students between 15 and 16
years and researchers have opted for whole population sampling, or census sampling, which offers a
comprehensive perspective of the population. Besides, the researchers are educators, who have direct
access to this particular student population within the school setting, ensuring thorough observation and
sufficient data gathering.
The selection of this sample of the student population was supported by its proximity and
privileged access, which enable a more accurate assessment of the connections between the problem
researched and the characteristics of the students.
Population: 24 students of First A Accountancy specialty
Researchers have used an observation class format in the classroom that allows them to see how
the students manage tasks and whether they are actively engaging. Thus, investigators observed and
evaluated the students' behaviors, interactions, and engagement levels during class activities
methodically. This provided an extensive understanding of managing tasks as well as student
participation in the classroom.
Similarly, a survey was employed to learn more about their shortcomings and strengths.
Researchers get a clear image of the general skills and challenges of learners by examining the survey
responds to find common variations and trends.
To illustrate the challenges and strengths associated with each metric, statistical data is gathered
and presented in tables and graphs. It also illustrates the relationship between the two variables under
investigation: the dependent variable, which focuses on understanding what was being read, and the
independent variable, (Rice, 2007) are used for practical, descriptive instruction that emphasizes
computational methods.
The following Class Observation Sheet (see Table 1) was used with 24 students in First A
Accountancy Baccalaureate. It contains fifteen indicators for Pre-reading activities, during, and after a
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 504
reading class which offer a thorough framework for assessing comprehension of text and student
participation during the lesson. These metrics are intended to evaluate students' reading readiness, their
engagement with the text during instruction, and their ability to apply and report on their learning
Table 1
Class Observation Sheet
Class Observation Sheet
References: 1=excellent 2=adequate 3=moderately adequate 4=poorly adequate 5=not possible to
Stage of Reading Lesson
Pre-reading activities
1. Activating prior knowledge
2. Generating Questions
3. Previewing Text Features
4. Making Predictions
5. Setting Reading Goals
While-reading activities
1. Demonstrate Understanding
2. Synthesize ideas
3. Encourage Participation
4. Utilize Various Activities
5. Use Additional Materials
Post-reading activities
1. Discuss Main Ideas
2. Reflect on Learning
3. Provide Feedback
4. Extend Learning
5. Assess Comprehension
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 505
Researchers noticed that the instructor did not use the necessary resources, techniques, or
strategies to help students learn how to read. They did not make use of any technological resources that
enhance the teaching-learning process. Furthermore, they cannot make assumptions, analyze the text, or
evaluate the ideas either directly or indirectly stated in the text.
When the sample was chosen, the survey technique was used for both the independent variable
and the dependent variable, with their respective dimensions and indicators. It contains ten statements
about the development of reading skills in a normal class with the CommonLit platform. They aim to
assess many facets of the platform-assisted learning of reading skills, such as engagement, critical
thinking, and comprehension.
Table 2
Results of the student survey
Results of the survey for students
This survey is applied to students First A Accounting Baccalaureate in the Educative Unit Isabel de
Godin in Riobamba.
Age:________ Gender:________ Male Female _
N/A (Not
in the
Q1: I have difficulties understanding due to a lack of
vocabulary reading
Q2: I have to translate word by word to understand
the text.
Q3: I struggle with reading comprehension
Q4: I understand the main message of the text and
relate it to the information I have already known.
Q5: I communicate my ideas about the reading I
have read.
Q6: The application of CommonLit has made
reading more engaging and interesting for me.
Q7: The CommonLit platform allows me to develop
my reading comprehension.
Q8: I improve my analytical thinking abilities
during English reading comprehension focusing
tasks and activities on CommonLit.
Q9:The CommonLit platform has positively
influenced my ability to comprehend English
grammar rules within texts.
Q10: The CommonLit facilitates the integration of
communicative English abilities.
Based on the responses provided by three individuals to the 10 questions, it can be concluded that
there is generally a positive perception of the CommonLit platform and its impact on the development
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 506
of reading comprehension and English communication skills. The majority of respondents agreed or
strongly agreed with statements related to the utility of CommonLit in improving reading
comprehension, facilitating the integration of English communication skills, and making reading more
engaging and immersive. However, there was some variability in the responses, particularly in questions
related to specific aspects such as the influence on the development of analytical skills or understanding
of English grammar rules. This suggests that while CommonLit appears to be beneficial in many aspects,
its impact may vary among users and in different areas of language proficiency. Overall, the responses
reflect a positive perception of CommonLit as an effective tool for enhancing reading comprehension
and fostering the development of English communication skills.
Furthermore, the chi-square (refer to Table 3) was used to tabulate the data and establish the
probability between the information collected in the surveys. The chi-square measures findings were
used to compare the various student survey statements, and the results established the correlation and
likelihood that represent the various values.
Finally, most students acknowledged that their reading comprehension, vocabulary growth, and
overall literacy skills increased because of using the Commonlit platform. This feedback indicates that
the platform is appropriately targeting important elements of literacy development by providing varied
examples and tasks. In addition, it allows that students are able to comprehend and interpret texts,
increase their vocabulary in a better way.
Table 3
Individual test statistics
Estadísticos de prueba
Sig. asin.
The previous table shows the results of the chi square test for the indicators of the variables listed
in Table 2 individually, which can be summarized in Table 4 in a general way.
Table 4
Chi-square test
Chi-square test
e (bilateral)
Pearson chi-square
Probability Ratio
Fisher exact test
Lineal by lineal Associate
N of valid cases
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Considering the research questions
Does the use of the CommonLit platform influence the development of reading comprehension
skills? Which becomes the hypothesis that must be subjected to a non-parametric statistical test or
goodness-of-fit test, called Chi-square (χ^2). SPSS software has been used to perform this test. A
significance level of 0.05 has been considered, with 36 degrees of freedom, and the results obtained in
SPSS are the following:
The calculated value, or critical value, for the chi-square in our research is 𝜒
==12,800. Instead,
the tabulated value for the chi square, with α = 0.05 and 36 degrees of freedom is 𝜒
= 50,998. Since
< 𝜒
accepts our research hypothesis; This is because 𝜒
is in the limits of acceptance, as can be
seen in the following figure:
Figure 1
Therefore, the use of the CommonLit platform influences the development of reading
comprehension skills since the analysis of the outcomes for the various strategies used is beneficial, as
they help to determine academic progress and reading proficiency. The Commonlit platform as the main
tool to improve the reading skills of students in the First Year of Accountancy at the Isabel de Godin
Educative Unit, reinforce A2 proficiency in English.
Moreover, the employment of this tool as an educational support instrument remarkably develops
the reading abilities of A2 students in comparison with traditional methods of reading instruction.
Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 508
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