Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 774


Audiolingual method for training listening skills in the
English language with A1-level students

Método audio lingüístico para el entrenamiento en el idioma inglés, en las habilidades

de audio con estudiantes de nivel A1

Washington Salomón Viera Flores

Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador

Ecuador -Duran

Wilmer Tito Ocaña Hernández

Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador

Ecuador -Duran

Johnny Segundo Campoverde López

Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador

Josué Reinaldo Bonilla Tenesaca


Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador

Artículo recibido: 20 agosto 2024 - Aceptado para publicación: 26 septiembre 2024
Conflictos de intereses: Ninguno que declarar


At the ESFORSE Soldiers School in Ambato, addressing the issue of English language learning

is quite difficult due to the different levels of language proficiency among cadets and the special

requirements of the military context. Therefore, a study was conducted to examine the

effectiveness of the audiolingual method for the development of listening skills in A1-level

students. This methodological framework was subjected to a quasi-experimental design using pre-

and post-tests. It involved 30 students chosen through non-probabilistic convenience sampling

methods; therefore, both qualitative and quantitative techniques were used for evaluation. The

results indicated a statistically significant improvement in listening proficiency with a post-

intervention assessment mean of 26,37 compared to 17,53 in the pretest and a Cohen effect size

of 9,80 signifying a high pedagogical impact. Despite validating the effectiveness of the method

in a military context, the study revealed methodological limitations that must be overcome to

improve the validity of the conclusions. The findings suggest the integration of the audiolingual

Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 775

method into military curricula while refinements to the methodological design are needed for

future research.

Keywords: audio-lingual method, listening skills, listening competence, military education,

pedagogical intervention


En la Escuela de formación de Soldados del Ejército ESFORSE en Ambato, se aborda el tema del

aprendizaje del idioma inglés en el cual es muy complicado debido a los diferentes niveles de

dominio del idioma entre los aspirantes y los requerimientos y exigencias especiales en el

contexto militar. Por ello, se realizó un estudio para examinar la efectividad del método audio

lingual, para el desarrollo de la capacidad auditiva en estudiantes de nivel A1. Este marco

metodológico fue sometido a un diseño cuasiexperimental mediante pruebas previas y posteriores,

en el cual se involucró a 30 estudiantes elegidos mediante métodos de muestreo no probabilístico;

por lo tanto, para la evaluación se utilizaron técnicas tanto cualitativas como cuantitativas. Los

resultados indicaron una mejora estadísticamente significativa en la competencia auditiva con una

media de evaluación posterior a la intervención de 28,13 en comparación con 18,67 en la prueba

previa y un tamaño del efecto Cohen de 0,80, lo que significa un alto impacto pedagógico. A

pesar de validar la efectividad del método en un contexto militar, el estudio reveló limitaciones

metodológicas que deben superarse para mejorar la validez de las conclusiones. Los hallazgos

sugieren la integración del método audio lingual en los planes de estudio militares, mientras que

se necesitan mejoras en el diseño metodológico para futuras investigaciones.

Palabras clave: método audio lingual, habilidades auditivas, competencia auditiva,

educación militar, intervención pedagógica

Todo el contenido de la Revista Científica Internacional Arandu UTIC publicado en este sitio está disponible bajo
licencia Creative Commons Atribution 4.0 International.

Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 776


Teaching English at the ESFORSE School of Soldiers located in Ambato is exposed to

several obstacles due to the diversity of linguistic competences among the cadets, as well as the

demands of the military environment. This inequality highlights the need to learn specialized

pedagogical methods that adapt to the training and professional demands of students. Thus, in this

context, the audiolingual method emerges as a potentially effective methodological intervention

to optimize listening competence in A1 cadets, which is aligned with the communicative

expectations of the military environment. This approach, which is based on the systematic

repetition and memorization of linguistic patterns, needs to be subjected to a rigorous evaluation

in order to establish whether it is relevant and effective in terms of improving military listening

comprehension in situations.

In a significant study conducted at the School of Tourism of the National University of

Tumbes, the effect of the audiovisual approach in teaching English was evaluated. The research

applied a quasi-experimental design to a sample of 54 out of a total of 210 students and a

questionnaire developed and validated by experts was used to assess the impact of the method.

The results indicated a T-Student test with a confidence level of 95%, revealing a statistical

significance of less than 0.05, meaning that the audiovisual method has a positive and relevant

effect on the teaching of the English in question. Therefore, this method greatly improves

language skills among students according to its effectiveness in particular educational contexts

(Quevedo et al., 2021).

In another study, Baute et al. (2022) investigated the usefulness of Google Sites and

Sequence-Based Learning in improving English speaking and listening skills among primary

school students at Sor Matilde Justo Institution. Using a descriptive and quantitative method, it

has been observed that there are certain weaknesses in students’ listening and speaking skills with

respect to their level of education. This shows that the use of modern technological tools such as

Google Sites solves this problem as it provides an interactive and stimulating learning

environment that has not only enhanced the teaching of English but also improved students’

technological competencies under proper pedagogical guidance.

This study aims to verify the effectiveness of the audio-linguistic method for developing

the listening skills of ESFORSE students, as there is little research on the subject in the military

context. The theoretical approach of the method is based on behaviourist and structuralist

principles, which promote the automation of auditory responses through controlled repetition of

verbal stimuli. Historically, its use has been restricted to intensive language learning for specific

purposes such as in the case of the Second World War, but this work aims to fill this gap and

provide empirical evidence on its validity as an effective teaching resource in the training of

soldiers with specific linguistic needs.

Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 777

The audiolingual method is considered a pedagogical approach to foreign language

teaching that is characterized by intensive repetition and automation of linguistic patterns through

repetitive listening and oral production exercises (Mesa, 2023). Based on the principles of

behaviorism and habit learning theory, it aims to improve listening skills by exposing students to

model structures and promoting accuracy and fluency in listening comprehension. B.F. Skinner's

operant conditioning theory supports this approach by suggesting that language acquisition occurs

through repetition and reinforcement, while structuralism supports the sequential acquisition of

linguistic structures (Ríos et al., 2024).


In the present study, a mixed methodological approach has been used, combining

qualitative and quantitative techniques to evaluate the effectiveness of the audiolingual method

in achieving the auditory competence of level A1 students at the ESFORSE Military School

located in the city of Ambato. This methodological approach aims to provide a global evaluation

of the impact of this audiolingual method through a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design

that allows measuring changes in auditory competence before and after implementing the

pedagogical intervention. This design allows direct comparison between the initial test results and

those obtained after the application of the method, thus facilitating rigorous analytical reviews on

the effects of the treatment on the auditory development of participants, adapting according to

specific contextual conditions.

Students who were in the A1 level of English at ESFORSE constituted the sample of this

research and it corresponded to 60 students. Non-probabilistic convenience sampling was adopted

to select 30 individuals, who were considered as representatives and provided high-quality data.

Several selections were made to include in the group such as constant attendance in classes and

active participation during all phases of the study, thus ensuring homogeneity within the

experimental group and validity of the results. The strategy consists of whose representation of

the data correctly reflects the effects of the audiolingual method on the listening competence of

the target group.

The research began with an exhaustive documentary review that allowed us to establish

the theoretical and pedagogical foundations of the audio-lingual method. In addition, this

verification was complemented by an interview with an expert in language teaching to adapt the

activities of the method to the particularities of the military context in which it is implemented.

The interview with the expert provided a critical perspective that allowed us to personalize the

educational strategies and guarantee the adequacy of the proposed activities to the specific

communicative needs of the military environment.

The intervention phase included several audiolingual method practices, such as

systematic repetition of linguistic patterns, structured practice of oral patterns, and controlled

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response exercises. These techniques were adapted to meet the specific communication needs in

the military context. For quantitative data collection, standardized listening comprehension tests

were administered at two-time points: before the intervention (pretest) and after the intervention

(posttest). These tests allowed the measurement of students' progress in understanding spoken

English. In addition, qualitative surveys were conducted to capture participants' perceptions of

the effectiveness of this method in improving students' listening skills.

Methodological triangulation is used to provide a thorough and robust analysis of the data

collected. This approach allowed for the validation of the results obtained through the integration

of quantitative and qualitative data, offering a deep and nuanced understanding of the

effectiveness of the audiolingual method. The combination of standardized testing with

perception surveys contributed to a comprehensive assessment of the impact this method has on

the development of auditory competence, leading to a more complete and accurate interpretation

of the effects this pedagogical approach has had in the ESFORSE military context.


The data obtained from the intervention implemented with the audiolingual method were

subjected to an exhaustive statistical analysis that showed a notable improvement in the listening

skills of the A1 level students at the ESFORSE School of Soldiers. Listening comprehension tests

were administered before and after the intervention to assess its impact. The results of these tests

were analyzed using paired sample statistical tests. In this way, it was possible to assess whether

the differences between the pre- and post-assessments were statistically significant and, therefore,

provide an objective measure of the effectiveness of the audiolingual method. In addition, the

effect size was calculated to estimate the magnitude of the educational impact on improving the

students' listening proficiency level.

Figure 1
Trends in pretest and posttest listening comprehension scores

Note. Own elaboration

Figure 1 contains the individual ratings and shows that listening skills became better

overall after being subjected to the audiolingual intervention. Looking at this figure, overall,


1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29




Trends in pretest and posttest listening
comprehension scores

Pretest Postest

Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 779

students were better at listening when this approach was used. However, the data also reveal a

very significant variability in individual results. This indicates that while some students made

great progress in their listening skills, others made slight or constant gains. Therefore, although

the intervention is generally effective, it could still help to personalize its use for each student to

achieve greater results.

Table 1
Results of the statistical measures of the pretest and posttest applied to the A1 level students of
Extent Pretest Posttest Difference df p-value d

Minimum 14,00 22,00 6,00

Maximum 22,00 31,00 8,00

Average (M) 17,53 26,37 9,46 29,00 < 0,001 9,8

Standard deviation (SD) 2,25 2,47 3,97

Note. Degrees of freedom (df), Cohen effect size (d). Own elaboration.

The statistical analysis of the data reflected a significant increase in the means of the

evaluations carried out after the intervention. The post-intervention evaluations had a mean of M

= 26,37 (SD = 2,47), while the pre-intervention evaluations had a mean of M = 17,53 (SD = 2,25).

When analyzing paired samples, through a value of degrees of freedom equal to 29,00, a value of

p < 0.001 was obtained, confirming the statistical significance of the differences observed.

Therefore, this indicates that there was a statistically significant improvement in the students'

listening skills after the intervention.

The effect size calculated with the value d = 9,80 therefore shows a high degree of

improvement in the participants' listening skills. This d value suggests that the audiolingual

method intervention has a considerable effect on the students' listening ability, reflecting a

substantial improvement in the pre-assessment. Consequently, these results provide evidence of

the effectiveness of the audiolingual approach and highlight its importance as a pedagogical tool

in teaching the English language, especially in contexts where there is an intensive need to

develop listening skills.

According to the results, the use of the audiolingual method can contribute to improving

listening for students at level A1 in the ESFORSE. However, there is significant variability in

individual results, which highlights the need to adapt the intervention to individual differences in

progress to be more effective. Furthermore, these results represent concrete evidence of the

effectiveness of this method and demonstrate that it is important to adapt pedagogical strategies

to the specificities of learners in a military environment.


Importantly, the audiolingual method has demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in

improving cadets’ listening skills, which is a strong indicator of its efficacy in military education.

Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 780

The results obtained in the post-intervention assessments reflect a significant improvement in the

participants’ listening competence, demonstrating that the method has achieved its goal of

automating auditory responses through systematic repetition and intensive practice of language

patterns. This finding validates the effectiveness of the method in achieving its pedagogical goals

and is consistent with the theoretical foundations of the approach, which are based on behaviourist

and structuralist perspectives. These theories claim that language acquisition can be facilitated

through controlled repetition and exposure to specific linguistic structures, thus providing a solid

empirical basis for the incorporation of the audiolingual method in military-oriented English

language programs.

The study also helps to confirm the applicability and validity of the audiolingual method

in a military context, an area that has received little attention in the existing academic literature.

The size of the impact obtained may suggest that the method is not only highly effective, but also

has great significance for the training of military personnel. The method results in the

development of listening skills necessary for operational performance, which is useful for the

training of soldiers who require language skills that are accurate and effective during stressful


Despite the positive results, it is essential to accept some methodological limitations that

may be relevant to the interpretation of the research results. One of the main limitations is that a

control group was not included in the study design, which prevents direct comparison with a group

that did not receive the intervention. This shortcoming suggests that future studies should be

conducted with control groups to improve internal validity and provide more rigorous evaluations

in terms of the effectiveness of the method used. More robust experimental designs could address

these shortcomings and lead to clearer conclusions about the effectiveness of the audiolingual


The results of the research confirmed that the audiolingual approach is an effective

pedagogical intervention in increasing listening proficiency in ESFORSE. This study expands

knowledge on teaching methods in specialized contexts, creating a basis for future research and

possible reforms of pedagogical practices. The inclusion of the audiolingual method in the

military English curriculum could optimize the development of basic listening skills, which would

significantly contribute to the training of military personnel and their operational capacity in real-

life situations.


This study provides a solid validation of the audiolingual method to improve the listening

skills of A1 level cadets of the ESFORSE School of Soldiers. The applied method resulted in a

statistically significant increase in listening skills, which can be observed in the posttest means,

which were 26,37 while the pretest was 17,53, or a difference of 9.46 points, which demonstrates

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not only a considerable advance in the listening skills of these students, but also in this sense it

can be understood that the audiolingual method is effective to optimize this skill within the

specialized military educational context.

The audiolingual method has a positive impact, showing its potential to meet particular

communication demands in military contexts, which is important at the pedagogical level in the

training of cadets. The great improvement observed in the post-test results underlines the relevant

contribution that this method makes to listening competence, its applicability in the field of

English from a military perspective. These results support its effectiveness in terms of specific

pedagogical objectives and its ability to adjust to certain communicative characteristics of the


However, the study has some methodological limitations, such as the absence of a control

group, which raises the need for further research incorporating this variable to strengthen the

experimental design. Despite these limitations, the positive findings remain valid and notable,

thus demonstrating the success of this method in improving listening comprehension. The

inclusion of control groups in future studies will allow for a more rigorous evaluation of the

impact of the method, thus increasing the validity of the test and strengthening the basis for more

effective teaching techniques in military contexts.

Vol. 11/ Núm. 2 2024 pág. 782


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